Thursday 25 March 2010


We made several changes and improvements along the way. 

Originally: We were going to have Mike, rapping in the song and show some performing and narrative shots of him. We were also going to include him in magazine advertisement & album cover.
New Idea: We cut our video down and we dont feature Mike in the song or the video. He is no longer featured on the album cover or magazine advertisement.
Reasons For Change: The song was too long and this made it difficult to film and edit. We also found it hard to get Mike in for filming seeing as he is outisde of school.

Originally: We were going to have a 'dad' figure being filmed to show the abuse and add flashbacks to emphasise this.
New Idea: We have just used narrative and performing shots of our girl.
Reasons For Change: We found it difficult to find a male figure to appear in our video.

Originally: We were going to use a mid shot of 'Storm' looking away from the camera.
New Idea: We then decided to use a close up, of 'Storm' looking into the camera.
Reasons For Change: So she had eye contact with audience.

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